Best gift given……

The best gift I gave someone this Christmas was my mom breakfast in bed because she wasn’t feeling well

It made me feel good for helping out around my house and helping someone in need

It made her feel loved and she knows that some cares

Yes, it is better to give than receive because when you give it makes people feel like they are loved and that someone cares for them. Plus if you receive you might think it’s all cool and all but have you ever thought “Do I really need this”?

All about me!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi ,my name is Katelynn Powell. My hobbies are drawing and playing sports! I don’t like when people are mean to others!  I do like hanging out with my friends! My favorite subject is science and reading! Me personality is………. Well , don’t like to be mean to others, and  I try to always be nice to other’s.  I love to play lps aka littles pet shop. My favorite sport is kickball. I play it all the time with my cousin!!!! I have 2 sisters and 1 brother, and I am the youngest of them all I don’t like that sometimes, but I deal with it! I have 4 dogs their names are Larry, Ele ,Bentily ,Barkleah! We have a lot  of cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!